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Internet Technologies

Internet Technologies


Overview Contents: Introduction To Internet - Review Of Network Technologies - TCP/IP -IP Sub netting and Addressing - Internet Routing Protocol - Client Server Concepts DNS,Tel net,Ftp - Electronic Mail - World Wide Web - HTML- Extensible Mark up Language (XML) - Html Forms - Image Maps - CGI Scripts - Other Technologies - PERL - Javascript - Javascript Examples - Using Cookies-Java Applets - Client-Server Programming In Java - Intranet, Extra net,Firewall-Basic Cryptographic Concepts - Electronic Commerce - Streaming Multimedia Applications -Internet Telephony - Search Engine And Web Crawler - Course Summary And Conclusion

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 40
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 39:55:08 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Contents: Introduction To Internet - Review Of Network Technologies - TCP/IP -IP Sub netting and Addressing - Internet Routing Protocol - Client Server Concepts DNS,Tel net,Ftp - Electronic Mail - World Wide Web - HTML- Extensible Mark up Language (XML) - Html Forms - Image Maps - CGI Scripts - Other Technologies - PERL - Javascript - Javascript Examples - Using Cookies-Java Applets - Client-Server Programming In Java - Intranet, Extra net,Firewall-Basic Cryptographic Concepts - Electronic Commerce - Streaming Multimedia Applications -Internet Telephony - Search Engine And Web Crawler - Course Summary And Conclusion