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Electrical Machines - I

Electrical Machines - I


Overview Transformer and D.C rotating machine will be the main topics to be discussed in this course. Working principle of ideal transformer and its equivalent circuit referred to two sides. Analysis of practical transformer & its equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit referred to different sides and phasor diagram. Core loss and copper loss. Regulation & efficiency.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 40
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 36:22:29 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Transformer and D.C rotating machine will be the main topics to be discussed in this course. Working principle of ideal transformer and its equivalent circuit referred to two sides. Analysis of practical transformer & its equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit referred to different sides and phasor diagram. Core loss and copper loss. Regulation & efficiency.