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Computer System Engineering

Computer System Engineering


Overview Naming - Fault Isolation with Clients and Servers - Virtualization and Virtual Memory - Virtual Processors: Threads and Coordination - Performance - Introduction to Networks - Layering and Link Layer - Network Layer, Routing - End-to-end Layer - Congestion Control - Distributed Naming - Reliability - Atomicity Concepts - Recoverability - Isolation - Transactions and Consistency - Multi-site Atomicity - Security Introduction - Authentication - Authorization and Confidentiality - Advanced Authentication - Complex, Trusted Systems

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 22
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 18:13:06 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Naming - Fault Isolation with Clients and Servers - Virtualization and Virtual Memory - Virtual Processors: Threads and Coordination - Performance - Introduction to Networks - Layering and Link Layer - Network Layer, Routing - End-to-end Layer - Congestion Control - Distributed Naming - Reliability - Atomicity Concepts - Recoverability - Isolation - Transactions and Consistency - Multi-site Atomicity - Security Introduction - Authentication - Authorization and Confidentiality - Advanced Authentication - Complex, Trusted Systems