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Computer Aided Engineering Design

Computer Aided Engineering Design


Overview CAD Applications: Engineering Products, analogy: documentation, Design Representation, FEM, Optimization, Software/AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop/I-DEAS - Solid Modeling: Representation of Solids - Solid Modeling: Topology - Solid Modeling: topology, wireframe modeling - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation, CSG, Operations: extrude, revolve, examples - Design of Curves: Representation, piecewise continuous, differential geometry of curves.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 40
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 34:23:34 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview CAD Applications: Engineering Products, analogy: documentation, Design Representation, FEM, Optimization, Software/AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop/I-DEAS - Solid Modeling: Representation of Solids - Solid Modeling: Topology - Solid Modeling: topology, wireframe modeling - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation - Solid Modeling: Boundary Representation, CSG, Operations: extrude, revolve, examples - Design of Curves: Representation, piecewise continuous, differential geometry of curves.