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Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Manufacturing Processes


Overview Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems - Manufacturing Trends and Challenges - Manufacturing Aspects, Selection and Classification - Description and Taxonomy of the Mfg. Processes - Metal Casting basics, Gating and Risering design - Evaporative Pattern Casting Process (EPC) - Continuous, Permanent mold, Centrifugal and Pressure Die Casting - Hybrid EPC Processes and Vacuum EPC Process - Set-up of VEPC and Investment Casting Processes

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 1969
Total lectures 31
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 23:28:31 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Overview Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems - Manufacturing Trends and Challenges - Manufacturing Aspects, Selection and Classification - Description and Taxonomy of the Mfg. Processes - Metal Casting basics, Gating and Risering design - Evaporative Pattern Casting Process (EPC) - Continuous, Permanent mold, Centrifugal and Pressure Die Casting - Hybrid EPC Processes and Vacuum EPC Process - Set-up of VEPC and Investment Casting Processes